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HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. A markup language is a way to write down information with embedded instructions that tell a computer how to interpret and display that information. HTML contains the important information for stucture of the content of a webpage, such as text, images, links and more. HTML tells the computer what you want to see, the computer can read and interpret the HTML and produce an output.


HTML is used to create websites. Every website in existance is written in HTML. In fact, this website that you are on right now was written in HTML. Whilst the primary use of HTML is websites, it is also sometimes used to create emails as well as mobile and desktop apps.


With HTML, you can make your own websites. You can build personal blogs, portfolios, or business websites, and have full control over the content and layout. HTML is also a highly sought-after skill in many job markets. With the rise of the internet, HTML is ever-so relevant to learn.


To write HTML, you need a text editor or an IDE. A text editor is simply an application that allows you to write and edit text. When first starting out, it is best to use a simple text editor such as the text editors that already come preinstalled on all desktop computers:

On MacOS Open Finder > Applications > TextEdit
On WindowsOS Start > Search & Open "Notepad"
On ChromeOS Launcher > Search & Open "Text"

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that helps programmers develop software code efficiently. It increases developer productivity by combining capabilities such as software editing, building, testing, and packaging into one easy-to-use application.


HTML can be generated to create websites using What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG). WYSIWYG applications such as wix, squarespace and godaddy allow users to create websites using pre-built tools. This makes building a web page much faster because only a limited knowledge of HTML is needed as it’s automatically generated but the code can still be edited by hand. WYSIWYG websites are usually simple in design and technicality, so if a more complext website is required, WYSIWYG may not be able to create it.

Presentation Software

Common features of presentation software

Types of Network

A network is a series of connected together to work collectivley c=and share resources. The internet connects computer networks together. A server is the part of the network that provides services like file storage and email which can be accessed by other computers on the network.


There are two main types of networks:

  • LAN - Local Area Network
  • WAN - Wide Area Network


Interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building.


WAN covers a large geographical area. Most WANs are made from several LANs connected together. The internet is a WAN. WANs can be connected together using the internet, leased lines or satellite links.

ICT Past Papers

ICT Paper 1 June 2019 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

ICT Paper 2 June 2019 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

ICT Paper 1 June 2018 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

ICT Paper 2 June 2018 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

ICT Paper 1 June 2017 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

ICT Paper 2 June 2017 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

ICT Paper 1 June 2016 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

ICT Paper 2 June 2016 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new