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Complex Structures to use in the Writing & Speaking Exams

Si j'avais l'opportunité, je voudrais... - If I had the opportunity, I would like...
EXAMPLE: Si j'avais l'opportunité, je voudrais etudier étranger. - If I had the opportunity, I would like to study abroad

Quand j'étais plus jeune - When I was younger
EXAMPLE: Quand j'étais plus jeune, j'aimais les legumes - When I was younger, I liked vegetables

... depuis trois ans - ... for three years
EXAMPLE: Je vis à Londres depuis trois ans - I have lived in London for three years

...ni...ni... - ...neither...nor...
EXAMPLE: Je n'aime ni les pâtes ni les pizzas- I don't like neither pasta nor pizza

...soit...soit... - ...either...or...
EXAMPLE: Soit je fais mes devoirs, soit je regarde un film.- I either do my homework or watch a film

Il y a trois ans... - Three years ago...
EXAMPLE: Il y a trois ans, je suis allé au Pays de Galles - Three years ago, I went to Wales

J'y vais pour... - I go there for...
EXAMPLE: J'y vais pour le travail - I go there for work

Comme (Subordonnée), ... - As (Subordinating Claus), ...
EXAMPLE: Comme j'ai une grande famille, je vis dans une grande maison - As I have a big family, I live in a big house

Depuis que j'ai trois ans,... - Since I was three years old,...
EXAMPLE: Depuis que j'ai trois ans, je parle français - Since I was three years old, I have spoken French

Même si..., je pense que... - Even if..., I think that...
EXAMPLE: Même si j'ai apprécié l'architecture ancienne, je trouvais que Paris était trop démodé - Although (Even if) I appreciated the old architecture, I thought Paris was too old-fashioned

A vrai dire... - To tell the truth...
EXAMPLE: A vrai dire, je n'aime pas mon collège. - To tell the truth, I don't like my school.

Je viens de... - I just...
EXAMPLE: Je viens de manger des nourriture italienne. - I've just eaten some Italien food.

À la fois... - At the same time...
EXAMPLE: Sam est à la fois beau et drôle. - Sam is both handsome and funny.

Je l'adore - I love it
Je l'aime - I like it
Je ne l'aime - I don't like it
Je le deteste - I hate it

Je les adore - I love them
Je les aime - I like them
Je ne les aime pas - I don't like them
Je les deteste - I hate them

Complex Structures Combinations

Combine complex stuctures to really impress examiners and access top marks

Quand j'étais plus jeune, depuis l'âge de trois ans pour être exact,...- When I was younger, since I was three years old to be exact,...
EXAMPLE: Quand j'étais plus jeune, depuis l'âge de trois ans pour être exact, j'ai commencé à manger des légumes - When I was younger, since I was three years old to be exact, I started eating vegetables.

Si j'avais l'opportunité il y a trois ans, j'aurais aimé...- If I had the opportunity three years ago, I would have liked...
EXAMPLE: Si j'avais l'opportunité il y a trois ans, j'aurais aimé étudier à l'étranger - If I had the opportunity three years ago, I would have liked to study abroad.

J'y vais pour... depuis trois ans. - I have been going there for... for three years.
EXAMPLE: J'y vais pour le travail depuis trois ans. - I have been going there for work for three years.

Et - And

Mais - But

Parce que - Because

Puis - Then

Comme - As

Aussi - Also

Avec - With

Donc - Therefore

Cependant - However

Par contre - On the other hand

Malheuresement - Unfortunately

Avant - Before

Apres - After

Bien que - Although

Aisni - Thus

Pour cette raison - For this reason

Maintenant - Now

Prochaine - Next

Néanmoins - Nevertheless

Soudainement - Suddenly

Malgré - Despite

Pendant - During

Contrairement à - Contrary to

Finalement - Finally

Avec ça en tête - With this in mind

Sinon - Otherwise

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Laguage Immersion

Immersion language learning: The best way to learn a new language. Language immersion is the practise of immersing yourself in authentic French content, learning and picking up the language subconsciously. It is a similar way to which babies first learn to speak. It can also work to train your brain to think, understand and respond in French without needing to take in the French, translate it into English in your head, generate an English response, and then translate that into French. Each time you see the word and understand it, you train your instinct. Eventually, your instinct becomes so strong that you will intuitively know how to use the word. Immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language.

You can immerse yourself in French by:

Thinking in French
Listening to French songs
Watching French films and videos
Playing French video game servers
Watching French News reports
Watching French Musicals
Reading French Magazines
Changing your tech devices' language to French

More, in-depth benefits of Language Immersion:

Accelerated Language Acquisition: Immersion programs provide an intensive and immersive environment where learners are consistently exposed to the target language. This constant exposure helps learners pick up the language more quickly and naturally, often achieving higher levels of proficiency compared to traditional language learning methods.
Develops Proficiency in Speaking and Listening: Immersion programs focus on developing practical language skills, especially speaking and listening. Learners are encouraged to communicate in the target language on a daily basis, which strengthens their ability to understand and express themselves orally.
Enhances Cognitive Abilities: Research suggests that immersion education can enhance cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity. Learning a new language through immersion requires learners to adapt, think flexibly, and make connections between language and context.
Cultural Awareness and Understanding: Immersion programs often integrate cultural components related to the target language. Learners gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the culture associated with the language, which promotes cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Promotes Multilingualism and Bilingual Proficiency: Immersion programs are effective in producing bilingual or multilingual individuals. By learning a second language in an immersive context, learners develop strong language skills in both their native language and the target language.
Improves Academic Performance: Studies have shown that students in language immersion programs often perform as well as or better than their peers in non-immersion programs academically. The cognitive benefits gained from language immersion can contribute to overall academic success.
Long-Term Benefits: Proficiency gained through language immersion tends to be more durable and lasting compared to traditional language education methods. Many immersion program graduates continue to use and maintain their language skills into adulthood.
Global Opportunities: Proficiency in a second language opens up global opportunities for work, travel, and cultural exchange. In today's interconnected world, language skills are highly valued by employers and can provide a competitive edge in various fields.

My Personal Farvourite French Songs

I listen to these in the run up to my exams, especially the speaking exam, to embrace my frenchness and prepare my brain to activate to French mode.

Bella - GIMS

Derniere Danse - Indila

Les Champs Elysees - Joe Dassin

Color Gitano - Kendji Girac


Elle Me Dit - MIKA

Alors On Danse - Stomae

La Tribu de Dana - Manau

Est ce que Tu Maimes - GIMS

Rouge et Noire - Les Miserables

Formidable - Stromae

Love Story - Indila

Tu Vas Me Manquer - GIMS

J'me Tire - GIMS

Tous Les Memes - Stromae

La Meme - GIMS

A La Volonte Du Peuple - Les Miserables

Brise - GIMS

Les Amis De L'ABC - Les Miserables

Papaoutai - Stomae

Santiano - Les Marines D'Iroise

Hybrid Songs

Songs that contain a mixture of languages

Fall On Me - Andrea Bocelli, Matteo Bocelli

English, Italien & French

Hola Senorita - Maluma, GIMS

English, Spanish & French

Une Monde Qui S'illumine - Disneyland Paris

English & French

Watch French News Channels

www.france24.com/direct open_in_new

Read today's top headlines in French

www.france24.com open_in_new

www.lemonde.fr open_in_new

fr.euronews.com open_in_new

French Past Papers

French Paper Speaking June 2022 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

French Paper Listening June 2022 open_in_new Audio Track open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

French Paper Reading June 2022 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new

French Paper Writing June 2022 open_in_new Mark Scheme open_in_new